Personal Profile

Arlington, Virginia, Estados Unidos

Vivek is an Agile coach and Certified Scrum Trainer (CST). He is a certified Training from the Back of the Room (TBR) trainer and speaker who started his career in scientific research more than a decade ago. He has experience working with clients from Fortune 50 to start-ups, spanning the State Department, banking, retail, nonprofits, insurance and health care. His expertise includes large-scale Agile transformations, organizational change and leadership development. Vivek is actively involved in the Agile community and frequently speaks at global conferences and at local practitioner groups. 

Vivek's other certifications include CAL1, S@S, CSM, CSPO, CSD, CSP-SM, CSPO-SM,  PMI-ACP, SPC, and IGTF. Vivek holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Massachusetts and is currently based out of Washington, DC.