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Org Topologies

Strategic Organizational Design

for Adaptability, Resilience and Innovation

Map | Assess | Design | Elevate


Download the Primer

Org Topologies™ Primer is a free, comprehensive summary of the Org Topologies™ method to help you assess and design your agile ecosystem towards its thoughtful evolution over time.

Navigate your organizational improvement journey with a powerful map.

Org Topologies™ in its essence is a two-dimensional space with 16 distinctive boxes - atomic organizational archetypes. That space helps you to plot your current operating model by positioning individuals, departments, and teams on the map. This will give a profound understanding of the performance of your value-creating organizational ecosystem.

Once you've plotted your current state, you can start exploring options for an improved target organizational design that serves as your north star.

Knowing your current and target states allows you to control the gradual navigation toward organizational-wide improvements, thoughtfully adjusting your course as your organization learns along its transformation journey. 

Develop and sustain higher-level organizational ecosystems for maximizing organizational agility, innovation, and resilience.  


In the scope of R&D, this is a space where business and IT work as one on what is most important.  The structure is value-driven and continuously shapes and forms around value creation.


Org Topologies™ provides a clear set of principles and rich tools (called Elevating Structures) to help leaders and change agents uplift their IT, R&D and other value-creating departments to become business-oriented, agile teams of teams.

Design and Elevate for Higher Adaptability, Resilience and Innovation

Organize for both: performance and adaptability using the Org Topologies™ method.

Analysis of Frameworks & Scaling Methods

Org Topologies™ is a powerful language for assessing, communicating, comparing and improving org design ideas.

LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum)

Org Topologies - LeSS Journey.jpg

Spotify Model


FaST Agile

team topologies to fast agile

Team Topologies

team topologies

Benefits of Org Topologies™

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Senior Product Owner

"I used Org Topologies for the last two years myself, to answer questions regarding the agility of a team and the current project, and to identify the next steps moving forward. It supported me as a basis for alignment with our clients in identifying where we stand right now and, if there is a wish to evolve, which would be the right direction and actions. I recommend checking out if the Org Topologies might work for you as well"


Scrum Master / Agile Coach

"There are many tools out there that promise organizations the moon, but somehow with each attempt to improve the # of issues, only multiply. Frustrations and waste increase, while retention and resilience decrease, which is especially painful and costly in time of crisis. Org Topologies™ IS the missing link that orchestrates the connection between the REAL issue at hand and RIGHT solution."

Org Topologies™ Academy 

We provide physical 2-day master-classes in all major cities across Europe. In this class, you will master your path toward higher states of adaptability.

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Our on online, video-based training course available 24h across all timezones. Each cohort concludes with a live Q&A session. 

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