Agility and company culture

In the latest State of Agile Report by Version One, 63% of organisations stated that their main barrier to increased agility is; “Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values”. This is a huge number, but precious few can even help to define culture, never mind advise on concrete steps to change it. This leaves leaders with very little guidance on how to address the single biggest impediment to agility. This is a big contributor to many failed transformations all across the globe. In this interactive workshop workshop, we will seek to change that.

We will start by exploring, through stories, why culture is so important. Then we will introduce ourselves to the most widely used, and scientifically validated culture framework out there; the Competing Values Framework. We will dive into the 4 main culture types, their main characteristics and in what context each may be effective. Crucially, we will also explore how to begin to change your organisational culture using a tried-and-tested diagnostic tool.

Leaders, leadership coaches and anyone interested in shifting the culture of their organisation in service of increased agility will find concrete, practical advice on how to do so.

After taking part in this workshop, attendees will be able to:
- Describe culture and its importance for Agile transformations
- Describe the Competing Values Framework for measuring culture
- Compare and contrast the characteristics of the 4 culture types in the Competing Values Framework and state which are most compatible with agility
- Outline the high-level steps for embarking on changing an organisation’s culture

London, Велика Британія