29 techniques for reducing the cognitive load (that you won't hear them talking about)

Reduction of the cognitive load has become a loud topic within the engineering managers. The main argument you can hear is that "the cognitive load of developers must be managed and reduced in order to increase the flow of change". And then "only way to do it is to limit and reduce the teams' scope of ownership".

That introduces a false dichotomy where the teams' scope of ownership is directly linked to the cognitive load. And that becomes the winning argument for the proponents of segregation and compartmentalization of organizations. The opposite recommendation than what the numerous LeSS experiments suggest.

So how to beat that conundrum?

In this talk, we will uncover numerous other ways to manage and reduce the cognitive load that are, in fact, compatible and advised in LeSS adoptions.

Alexey KrivitskyCertified LeSS Coach, Certified Scrum Trainer, Creator of Org Topologies™
Münich, Германия