From Conway’s Law to Cognitive Load: Rethinking Organizational Agility

We will dive into some ideas that have been trending in top management circles recently, which actually hinder organizational agility. We will explore, in a thought-provoking way, why these ideas might not be as great as they seem and how to challenge them with solid arguments.
Topics we will explore include:
  • Conway’s Law
  • Cognitive Load
  • Code Ownership
  • “Having to fix someone else’s shitty code at 2 am!”
  • The Flow
In this talk, Blazej will challenge the recently trending approach to designing organizations while engaging the audience interactively. Learn what better organizational design patterns you can use to improve your company’s agility in the era of rapid introduction of GenAI tools for software developers. Get ready for an exciting exchange of ideas and insights!
Błażej DrobniuchAgile Coach / Scrum Master / Programmer / Trainer🌱
Barcelona, Испания