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LeSS News - Partnership with Scrum Alliance



We (Bas and Craig) are excited to share some news about our cooperation with Scrum Alliance.

The largest certification organization in the Agile community, Scrum Alliance, has so far been neutral in the scaling market. However, they recognize that scaling agility is critical to their mission, Transforming the World of Work. They value the simplicity and principles of Scrum and seek to present organizations with options for scaling Scrum that are in line with these principles. LeSS also seeks to transform the world of work, making it simpler by reducing organizational complexity. Thus we agreed to partner with Scrum Alliance in helping our customers succeed in More with LeSS.

Some potential opportunities from this partnership between Scrum Alliance and LeSS include:

  • Accelerated growth, awareness, support, and adoption of LeSS.
  • Integration of the Certified LeSS Practitioner and Certified LeSS for Executives as certifications for scaling, within the Scrum Alliance.
  • Integration of the Scrum Alliance site and in terms of synchronized course listings, and certifications of participants.
  • A new 1-day “Certified LeSS Basics” course (final name TBD) that qualified Scrum Alliance Trainers and Coaches can deliver (and that all Certified LeSS Trainers can deliver).

With this partnership, we hope to grow the understanding of LeSS in the market. However, this partnership will not exclusively bind LeSS to the Scrum Alliance. The LeSS company will remain independent and continue the same way as before. LeSS will be available, accessible, and adoptable for whatever certified or non-certified Scrummer.

We will strive to keep everyone up to speed as the implementation details unfold. Please feel free to contact Bas or Craig if you’d like to talk more about this effort.

Official announcements: