The Breakthrough for Change Agents! ORCA: More Impact with Less Effort and Stress.

The success of the Change Agent function (which is typically expected of Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, and other roles) is heavily reliant on their ability to effectively overcome multiple challenges. This includes overcomplicated system models, management's lack of understanding of systems thinking and organisational design, a lack of management participation in systems-based discussions, and numerous explicit or implicit disagreements. ORCA addresses these issues in order to launch the effectiveness and efficiency of the Change Agent role to a conceptually new level.

Since the inception of the Scrum Framework, the Change Agent role has evolved and is now commonly associated with Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches regardless of framework implemented. Hundreds of thousands of people call themselves Change Agents. Yet, how many can truly claim long-term success in this hard-to-succeed function?

We recognise that changes to organisational culture or capabilities cannot be implemented directly. It necessitates a shift in the organisational design, over which management has authority. As a result, the Change Agent has to effectively collaborate with management to identify optimal changes that will lead to the desired outcomes. 

Therefore, the Change Agent must have a sufficient understanding of organisational design and systems thinking within the context of organisational systems.  Unfortunately, this is not covered in Scrum Master and Agile Coach training courses.

Another critical capability for this function's successful execution is management engagement and effective facilitation of system modelling and discussion. And, once again, Change Agents usually encounter multiple obstacles here:

After years of practicing, learning, and experimenting, Denis Sunny and Ralph Jocham have developed ORCA as a solution that addresses these and other issues that limit the true impact of Change Agents. 

In this session, we will get an overview of ORCA and learn some of its basics using several examples of change agents overcoming various challenges.

Denis SunnyExecutive Consultant and Trainer
Lisbon, Португалія