Cesario Ramos guides large scale agile adoptions and training worldwide. In 2010 he founded AgiliX, an international network organisation.
Over the years Cesario wrote numerous papers on agile development and is the author of the books Creating Agile Organizations, EMERGENT – Lean & Agile adoption for an innovative workplace and co-author of the book A Scrum Book.
He is also a Certified LeSS (Large Scale Scrum) trainer, Professional Scrum trainer from Scrum.org. In the past he was an agile consultant at Xebia, CTO at codecentric NL, a product manager at Atos, a hard-core developer and the lead software architect at PANalytical.
In his spare time he co-organised the international Large Scale Scrum conferences and is actively hosting the Scrum Book Meetups and LeSS Recap Days Meetups
He is happy to be an active member of the ScrumPloP® community and is a frequent speaker at conferences around the world.
Cesario strongly believes that fun at the workplace is essential for success.
You can contact Cesario at cesario(at)agilix.nl
Selected Talks of Cesario on Large Scale Scrum
- Keynote speaker at Online LeSS Conference 2020. Agile Organization Design Principles. Recording.
- Keynote speaker with Nadine Klokke, Vaishal Gariwala and Joris Verheij (ING) at LeSS conference Munich 2019. - ING - Our Journey to Scaling Agile. Paper.
- Keynote Speaker at ScrumDay Moscow 2018. - Scrum Pattern, 10 years of harvesting that what works.
- Keynote Speaker at Agile Prague conference 2018.- Large Scrum Adoption Principles.
- Invited Speaker at ScrumDay Ukraine. Video - Design for Perfect.
- Invited Speaker together with Joost Looij (Powerhouse) at Agile Consortium Netherlands on Large Scale Scrum at Powerhouse. Slides
- Invited Speaker together with Sandra Roijkakkers (Thales) at Scrum Day Europe in Amsterdam 2015 on Scaling Scrum @ Thales. Slides, Video
- Invited KeyNote Speaker at expoQA2015 in Madrid. Slides
- Invited Speaker at Agile Portugal 2015 on Scaling Agile @ Thales. Slides, Video
- Invited Speaker together with Sandra Roijakkers (Thales) at Scrum Day Poland in Warsaw on Scaling Agile, 2015. http://www.scrumdays.pl
- Invited Speaker at Scrum Day Europe 2014 on Emergent Innovation. Slides
- Speaker at Agilia 2014 conference in Brno on Emergent Innovation with Agility Path. Slides