Flip experience - journey there and back again? – Jakub Gros, Roman Kohoutek


The black & white coaching duo will present you with a unique experience from Avast company. Jakub, known as a white swan, will tell you how we designed and smoothly went through the LeSS transformation. Roman who may be considered as a black swan will show you the opposite site, what all we didn’t expect and went wrong. The talk will present the real direct huge LeSS transformation which has been done as one of the first uniquely and completely on-line transformations. If you would like to ask if it is a good idea to directly do a huge LeSS transformation with agile coaches hired just two months before and see the consequences or if you would like to know the answer if one Flip is enough, this is the best opportunity to see. After a year from the Flip we can share how to wear the cap, if it fits. We have some reverts but those are leading us to the full company transformation. What have we learned for further expansion?