Inspire Agile Transformation from Bottom-Up – Sofia Pelzl


The real Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) adoptions aim to start from the bottom-up to create the ownership “owning vs. renting” and top-down, to provide the right structure e.g. for Feature Teams, simultaneously.

Many coaches are starting at the team level or starting with a few teams, and not on the upper management level. Does that mean if you cannot change the organizational structure, you cannot benefit from LeSS?

In this case study, I will give some answers. I would like to show you the opportunities with the bottom-up approach and where are the limits and pains with it.

With patience, the LeSS principles, and good timing in the argumentation, it is possible to inspire the higher management for Large-Scale Scrum and it principles as well. On the long-term this can bring management to change from a pure bottom-up approach to a combined top-down and bottom-up approach.

These are then very good preconditions for introducing LeSS sustainably in the organization.