Rethinking Cognitive Load in Large-Scale Software Development

In large-scale software development, managing the breadth and depth of architecture poses a significant challenge. Traditionally, component teams focused on small parts of the larger system. However, the shift to full feature teams has introduced a new concern: the fear of being overwhelmed by responsibility for multiple systems.

The instinctive resolution to this concern is to regress to component thinking: "just reduce or limit the amount of responsibility a team should have, and things will be better".

In this talk, Viktor Grgic will challenge this solution, arguing that such thinking is not only misguided but can exacerbate the very problem it aims to solve.

Join us to explore:

  1. Why organizational structure significantly impacts the feeling of being overwhelmed
  2. How teams with extensive shared responsibilities can thrive without cognitive overload
  3. Strategies for embracing complexity while maintaining clarity and efficiency

The session will conclude with a Q&A, fostering an interactive discussion. Whether you're a team lead, manager, or developer, this talk promises valuable takeaways for navigating the complexities of large-scale software development.

Come curious and ready to challenge your assumptions about cognitive load and team structure!

Note: Entering the event will require presenting a valid ID.

Address: Croeselaan 18

City: Utrecht Country: Pays-Bas Postal code: 3521 AG

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