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Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy provides the details of the information that we collect from users of the LeSS website, how we handle, and how we may use that information.

About us

In this Privacy Policy, references to “we” or “us” are to LeSS Company BV, a company incorporated in the Netherlands (registration number 61952729) at the following address:

The LeSS Company B.V.
Laan van Kronenburg 14
1183 AS  Amstelveen
The Netherlands

References to “this website” is to

If you have any questions about your personal information, please email us at

Collection of personal information

Our aim is to help people with their LeSS adoption. In order to achieve this goal, we work with a small network of people who conduct LeSS related trainings and events. We receive participants’ personal information from trainers and event organizers, and we trust that they have asked your permission before doing so. Please let us know immediately when that is not the case, and we will discuss it with the trainer.

We collect and store the following information: your first name, last name and email when you participate in a LeSS Course or LeSS-friendly Scrum Course. This may happen before or after the course dates, depending on when the trainer uploads course participants on the website. We will also store your company information if it is provided, as well as your city and country information based on the location of the course in which you have participated. On your user profile, you may update the location to reflect your actual place of residence. You can also add additional emails and links to your social profiles on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Github.

We keep a record of all your courses and events attendance.

If you need to make payments on the website, we will store your billing information which includes billing name, address and VAT number if the payment is done though a company. We do not store credit card information, but we do keep a record of all payment transactions.

We also store all course materials provided by trainers which may contain photos or videos of participants. Trainers are expected to only upload data for which they have obtained explicit consent from participants.

Use of cookies

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small files stored on your computer’s hard drive which are used to collect and store information such as your preferences. You may choose to refuse cookies but, if you do so, some of the functionality of the website may no longer be available to you.

Use of personal information

We use your full name, course participation history, location and company information for display on your public profile page. Your email is used for sending course materials and results of online tests. We also send notifications about upcoming courses and events based on your location, as well as periodic newsletters.

Protection of personal information

Your personal information is stored securely in a database that is only accessible by a limited number of persons with special access rights to such systems, who are required to keep the information confidential. All communications between your browser and our servers is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.

Disclosure to third-parties

In general, we do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your Personally Identifiable Information to third parties. The only exceptions to this rule is that we share names and emails of people who have participated in the Certified LeSS Basics courses with

Rights of the data subjects

As a user of the website you have the following rights:

  • Edit your personal details via your profile page whenever you wish.
  • Change your email notification preferences via notification settings separately for course related emails, upcoming courses and newsletters.
  • Ask for a copy of your current record on the LeSS website in simple text format.
  • Ask to be removed (forgotten) from the LeSS website.

Questions or requests about your rights can be send to

Data breaches

In order to be in line with GDPR we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur: We will notify the users and the local body for privacy law via website notification and through the official channels within 72hrs.