Personal Profile

Viktor GrgićSoftware Product development expert
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Case Studies Owned

Viktor is an expert in organizing product development, software engineer and Certified LeSS trainer with 25 years of experience in delivering enterprise systems and Agile adoptions. He worked first 15 years in The Netherlands, and since 2013 in Hong Kong.

He brings Agile adoption and practices to organizational (management & product ownership), team, and technical (software development practices and operations) levels. He has coached and trained many large and small organizations: Dutch Chamber of Commerce, Municipality of Amsterdam,, ProRail, Port of Rotterdam, Sdu Publishers, Cathay Pacific, Thales Hong Kong, Tyme in Vietnam, Societe Generale Hong Kong, and Japan, Natixis Hong Kong, Splunk in Shanghai, Hutchison Ports in Hong Kong, BMW in Germany, Nationale Nederlanden in the Netherlands,, Contour in Singapore, Jago in Indonesia, BNPP in Hong Kong.

In addition to LeSS, Viktor writes papers, blogs, and gives classes on the subject of IT architecture and Agile.


Organizational coaching part of LeSS adoption