Job Retention & Job Security: AI, HR, Budgeting. Humans.


Job Retention & Job Security: AI, HR, Budgeting. Humans.

AI is coming. Sooner or later.

  • Will it have impact on the World of Work?
  • What impact will Artificial Intelligence (AI) have on the job market?
  • Are HR and Budgeting ($) of your company prepared for the new era of AI?
  • Are career paths at your company supportive of employees’ career goals during the era of AI?
  • What roles will remain secure and in demand?
  • What roles will become reduced or obsolete?

Is your company adoptive and prepared for evolutionary changes?

Unfortunately, some examples of the opposite already exist. e.g. reduction of "agile job families" (
How about single-function specialties (even skilled workers)? How about jobs that do not require continuous learning?

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