Personal Profile

La Spezia, Italie

🎯Strategist with the capability to build the vision⛰️, the way to achieve 🚠(also gradually) and to deliver it together with the 👨‍💼👩‍💼🧑‍💼👩‍💼, creating great working experience. Natural changes agent with capability to manage efficiently change resistance at different company levels.

My role in the organization is to identify strategic potentials 🌱and 🌬empower 👬👭 to work on it.

I am used to work in fast developing organizations and in multicultural envirnment.

I lead trasversal transformations that affect strategical development of company focusing on Lean, Digital, M&A and Start-ups

On a daily basis I create systemic approach towards complex problems solving. I actively listen👂 to 👨‍💼👩‍💼 usually during 🚶‍♀️gemba. I have capability to connect ↔️a series of symptoms which for others seem unraleted, create a holistic opportunity and make it come true.