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The LeSS Company BV is a company registered in the Netherlands. It
follows EU VAT regulation and Netherland Tax rules. The tax rules are
explained by the following examples.

Feature: GST on invoice

 As the financier of the LeSS Company

 I want to charge GST according to the regulation

 And create the invoice/receipt correctly



   Given User Bas need to pay 75 USD to the LeSS Company

   And Tax is 10%

   And I log in as user Bas


 Scenario Outline: The user is paying as a company

   Given Bas's billing address is in <country>

   And the company's VAT number is <VAT number>

   When submit the billing information

   Then the amount should be <amount>

   When Bas's <amount> bill is paid

   Then BTW Verlegd should be on the invoice <BTW verlegd>

   And the invoice VAT should be <VAT amount>



   | country     | VAT number     | amount | BTW verlegd | VAT amount  |

   | Germany     |                | 82.5   | no          | 7.5         |

   | Germany     | VAT_123        |   75   | yes         | 0           |

   | Netherlands |                | 82.5   | no          | 7.5         |

   | Netherlands | VAT_123        | 82.5   | no          | 7.5         |

   | China       |                |   75   | no          | 0           |


 Scenario Outline: The user is paying as an indiviual (not a company)

   Given Bas's billing address is in <country>

   And Bas is not billing to a company

   When submit the billing information

   Then the amount should be <amount>



   | country     | amount |

   | Germany     | 82.5   |

   | Netherlands | 82.5   |

   | China       | 82.5   |