Certified LeSS for Executives: Principles, Organization, and Change


Description :

Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling agile development to multiple teams. LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams of multi-skilled people, and provides a framework for applying that at scale. It provides simple structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development.

What’s a key insight for senior managers to understand about LeSS?

That it is not a practice nor a process. Rather, LeSS implies an organizational design change, which impacts group structures, hierarchy, team formation, roles, positions, processes, and basic policies (such as career path), to create a repurposed and more focussed organization that is flatter, more collaborative and more focused on the rapid delivery of value to customers.

The Certified LeSS for Executives course is an in-depth course covering the (1) LeSS principles, (2) adoption, (3) the role of management, and (4) broadly, what a coach, change agent or senior manager needs to know and do to help. The course includes lots of examples from LeSS adoptions, exercises, and extensive Q&A to ensure that we discuss the topics mostof interest to the participants.

The Certified LeSS for Executives course is for people in coaching, change agent and manager roles that support a LeSS effort. Since a change to LeSS involves both Product Management and R&D (or “business” and “IT”) together, senior representatives of both groups will want to attend, as well as supportive functions such as the head of HR, whose support and understanding of transitions is essential.

This course will be given by Greg Hutchings, Certified LeSS Trainer, and experienced large scale agile and lean transformation guide and coach.

Read more about Greg Hutchings and feel free to contact him about this course!


Twitter: @scaleagile

+33 786259811

Agenda :

The following topics will be covered in the Certified LeSS for Executives course:

 Why LeSS: Benefits to Your Company?

 Systems Thinking, Organizational Design, and avoiding the Win/Lose Contract Game

 Principles & Management Implications

 Adoption

 LeSS Structure & Roles

 Bonus topics

This course will help you to understand and to begin to plan a large scale agile transition, and go into greater detail on the following topics:

o Empirical Process Control for the Entire Organization

o Lean Thinking in LeSS: Across All Functions

o Systems Thinking: From Local to Global Optimization

o Whole-Product Focus: Group and Role Impacts

o Customer Centric: Process and Group Impacts

o The 3 Key LeSS Adoption Principles

o Getting Starting

o Growing Your Adoption

o Culture Follows Structure

o Job Safety, but not Role Safety

o From Smallish to Huge

o Multisite Adoption

o What is your product? A LeSS perspective

o Organizing around Customer Value and Feature Teams

o Role of Managers

o The Business-Driven Product Owner

o Typical Organizational Structures and Patterns

o Multisite Implications

o Innovation Games™ and their use in scaling agile

o Topics that participants decide to bring up on the topic of large scale lean and agile transitions.

Details :


Greg will share his personal experience in guiding the adoption of LeSS at Alcatel-Lucent, Bwin.party Digital Entertainment, PayU and a number of other companies.  He will be glad to discuss your company’s context and transformation needs and challenges.

To contact Greg Hutchings directly:



Twitter: @scaleagile

+33 786259811

Participants will gain free access to the digital versions of three books on LeSS:

 Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS, 2017

 Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Large, Multisite & Offshore Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum, 2010

 Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum, 2008

The class will explore your questions and answers in a highly interactive and valuable session

Price: 1,800 Eur

Early Bird Price: 1,500 Eur (End Date: 2024-07-31)

Additional Price Information: discounts for groups of 3 or more from the same company - private training options available, contact Greg!