Certified LeSS Basics
New York
United States
Description :
Why Come on a LeSS Basics Course?
The Certified LeSS Basics course is a thorough yet brief introduction to the LeSS & LeSS Huge over 2, 4-hour modules.
This course is for those that are curious as to how LeSS differs from other approaches, such as SAFe those looking to determine whether LeSS is for you and your organisation or those that are simply LeSS curious. Should you be actively adopting LeSS, then perhaps consider one of our Certified LeSS Practitioner courses.
By the end of the course, not only will you will have significantly increased your understanding of LeSS and your skills at being able to compare it to other approaches you will also have access to all of the training materials and your trainer, Ben Maynard
So if you want to know how LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism and cross-functional self-managing teams to make organisations into lean, happy value-creating machines at scale, then this is course is a brilliant first step on your journey!
It provides simple structural rules and guidelines for adopting Scrum in large product development.
Your Trainer
Your trainer Ben Maynard is the host hugely successful LeSS Matters podcast and is the only person offering Certified LeSS Courses who is a:
- Certified LeSS Trainer
- Certified LeSS Coach
- Certified Training From the Back of the Room trainer
- Professional Individual & Team Coach
Ben has used his expert skills plus his experience of over 10 LeSS/LeSS Huge Adoptions and a wealth of additional research into adult education to craft an engaging and compelling remote experience.
What Do People Say About Our Courses?
What Is Covered?
The course has 2 modules, each being 4 hours long.
Module 1 - LeSS Introduction & Product Ownership and Teams
Module 2- LeSS Huge and Systems & Adoption and You
If you have any questions, please contact Ben Maynard via hello@sheev.co.uk, LinkedIn or the LeSS Website
Bonus Goodies!
All of Sheev's online LeSS courses come with the offer of 90 minutes of my time to
- Deliver a talk on a LeSS/Agile topic of your choice
- A group coaching or mentoring session
- A workshop where we will use Systems Modelling to explore a topic of relevance to you or your organisation right now
- 1-2-1 Coaching or mentoring
What You Will Learn
- Articulate why LeSS
- Explain how LeSS is a Scrum-based approach to scaling
- Summarise this impact on the organisational design (structures, policies, etc.)
- Explain the dynamics of component teams vs feature teams
- Explain all LeSS roles and their purposes
- Explain why there is one and only real PO and not so-called team POs
- Explain the LeSS Complete diagram, organising LeSS information in terms of the principles, rules, guides, and experiments
- Explain how LeSS scales over ~8 teams
- Know the existence of and location of significant learning resources at less.works,
Price: 325 GBP
Additional Price Information: If you would like to be pay in USD please contact hello@sheev.co.uk