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Personal Profile

Artem BykovetsAgile Coach & Organizational Consultant
Kyiv, Ukraine

Artem Bykovets -  CEO / Organizational & Agile Coach at Simplesense 

In Software development since 2007 acting as a QA and ScrumMaster. 8 years of teaching his own program at courses & providing workshops. Winner of IT Awards Ukraine 2015 (Best QA of Ukraine). 

Artem helps many companies as an Organizational Coach on Agile frameworks / approaches, actively shares experience speaking at conferences and by providing workshops. Founder and producer of Simplicity Day conferences (One of the biggest in Ukraine, focused on hot topics from QA and Agile world presented by top practitioners in a simple way). 

He is CSM, CSPO, CSP-SM, CSP-PO, CAL-I certified by ScrumAlliance, Certified LeSS Practitioner by LeSS (learned from Craig Larman), PSM I by & certified KMP-I by Kanban University.

Artem is a guest lecturer at MBA by Kyiv Mohyla Business School and also has a video channel on youtube. He is just a person who really likes to share experience, and continues to learn personally.