Elevate Your Skills with LeSS Courses
Embark on a journey of First-Principles Thinking, transformation and focus delivery on maximising value with our LeSS courses. Choose your path, enhance your mastery, and become a part of the evolving world of scaling your product or service development.
Uncover the Full Spectrum of LeSS Learning
Our range of Certified LeSS Courses, delivered by expert trainers, offers a comprehensive dive into the world of Large-Scale Scrum. Whether you are starting your journey or deepening your existing knowledge, our courses are tailored to fit your learning needs:
- Certified LeSS Practitioner: A complete guide from principles to practices, with an online variant available as the Provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner.
- Certified LeSS for Executives: Focused on principles, organization, and change for senior leadership.
- Certified LeSS Basics: A one-day teaser offering a succinct introduction to LeSS.
- LeSS & Learn: A platform for deepening knowledge and sharing experiences.
Upcoming LeSS Courses
Ready to take the next step? Explore the upcoming courses and find the perfect fit for your learning journey.
Course | Date | Length | Location | Instructor |
Provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-02-10 | This class is split into 8 sessions, 3-hours each | (Online) New York, New York, Соединённые штаты | Gene Gendel |
LeSS in Action: Developers Practices | 2025-02-17 | 5 days | Singapore, Сингапур | Terry Yin |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-02-18 | beach resort location | Da Nang, Вьетнам | James Carpenter |
Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-02-20 | 1 day | (Online) Munich, Германия | Sofia Pelzl |
Certified Scrum Master with Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-02-24 | 2+1/2 Tage - 💥2 Zertifikate in einem Kurs💥 - Certified Scrum Master & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz Online, DEUTSCH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-02-24 | Monday to Friday - 5h/day - Online - Very Interactive | (Online) Chicago, Illinois, Соединённые штаты | Robert Briese |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-02-26 | 3 days | Prague, Чехия | Robert Batůšek |
Org Topologies™ Practitioner (OTP) | 2025-02-26 | 2 days | Münich, Германия | Alexey Krivitsky |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-02-27 | 3 days | Shenzhen, Китай | Yi Lv |
Certified Designing Agile Organizations | 2025-02-27 | 2 days | Vienna, Австрия | Cesario Ramos |
Provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-03-03 | 5 days | (Online) Antaliya, Турция | ILLIA Pavlichenko |
Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-03-04 | This class is split into 3 sessions, 3-hours each | New York, New York, Соединённые штаты | Gene Gendel |
Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner 1 by ScrumAlliance & Certified LeSS Basics Online | 2025-03-11 | 2+1/2 days - 💥2 certificates in one course💥 - Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner 1 & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz, Online ENGLISH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Org Topologies™ Practitioner (OTP) | 2025-03-12 | 2 days | Amsterdam, Нидерланды | Alexey Krivitsky |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-03-19 | 🤝 Interactive leaning journey 🌍 Illustrated with actual cases 🤔 Thought-provoking discussions | Berlin, Германия | Robert Briese |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-03-19 | 3 days | Vienna, ENGLISH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Certified Designing Agile Organizations | 2025-03-20 | 2 days | Warsaw, Польша | Jurgen De Smet |
Certified Guiding Agile Organisations Worshop | 2025-03-24 | 3 days | Amsterdam, Нидерланды | Cesario Ramos |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-03-25 | 🎉3 für 2 Kampagne🎉 3 Tage - interaktiv 🔧praxisnah 🤩inspirierend 👉ein einmaliges Lernerlebnis ✅LeSS refresh option verfügbar | Nürnberg, Германия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-03-25 | 3 days | London, Соединённое Королевство | Ben Maynard |
Certified Scrum Master with Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-03-26 | 2+1/2 days - 💥2 certificates with one course💥 - Certified Scrum Master & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz, Online ENGLISH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-03-27 | 3 days | Hangzhou, Китай | Yi Lv |
Provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-03-31 | 5 days | (Online) Melbourne, Австралия | Venkatesh Krishnamurthy |
Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-04-07 | 2 dni po 8 godzin | Warszawa, Польша | Krzysztof Niewinski |
Certified Designing Agile Organizations | 2025-04-08 | 2-days 💥 interactive 💥 fun 💥 inspiring Learning Experience 💥 | Helsinki, Финляндия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-04-08 | 3 days | Minneapolis, Minnesota, Соединённые штаты | Craig Larman |
Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-04-08 | 2days* 4hrs | (Online) London, Соединённое Королевство | John Coleman |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-04-09 | 🛠️ Praxisorientierte interaktive Übungen 🎓 Expertenwissen 💡 Praktische Anwendungen | Hamburg, Германия | Robert Briese |
Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-04-11 | 1 day | (Online) Graz, Online DEUTSCH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner 1 by ScrumAlliance & Certified LeSS Basics Online | 2025-04-14 | 2+1/2 Tage - 💥2 Zertifikate in einem Kurs💥 - Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner 1 & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz, Online DEUTSCH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Systems Thinking in Action | 2025-04-15 | 💥 fun 💥 inspiring Learning Experience 💥 bring your own topic 💥 | (Online) Chicago, Il, Соединённые штаты | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-04-23 | 3 days | Singapore, Сингапур | Bas Vodde |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-04-28 | 3 days | Bangkok, Таиланд | Bas Vodde |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-04-28 | 3 days | Utrecht, Нидерланды | Cesario Ramos |
Certified Scrum Master with Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-04-28 | 2+1/2 Tage - 💥2 Zertifikate in einem Kurs💥 - Certified Scrum Master & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz, Online DEUTSCH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Systems Thinking in Action | 2025-04-29 | 1 day 💥 fun 💥 great for retros and problem solving💥 bring your own topic 💥 | Helsinki, Финляндия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-05-02 | This is a 1 day course starting at 8:30am - 5:30pm AEST, 10:30am - 7:30pm NZST | (Online) Live Online from Sydney, Австралия | Rowan Bunning |
Provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-05 | 💥 Highly interactive 5-day class with plenty of group work and discussions 💥 inspiring 💥 | (Online) Frankfurt, Германия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-05 | 3 jours interactifs et inspirants | Paris, Франция | Greg Hutchings |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-07 | 3 days | Amsterdam, Нидерланды | Bas Vodde |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-08 | 3 days | Beijing, Китай | Yi Lv |
Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-05-09 | 1 day | (Online) Graz, Online ENGLISH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-12 | 3 days | München, Германия | Konstantin Ribel |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-13 | 3 days | Helsinki, Финляндия | Ran Nyman |
Systems Thinking in Action | 2025-05-13 | 1 day 💥 fun 💥 great for retros and problem solving💥 bring your own topic 💥 | Frankfurt, Германия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified Guiding Agile Organizations | 2025-05-14 | 🎉 First time in Finland 🎉 | Helsinki, Финляндия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner 1 by ScrumAlliance & Certified LeSS Basics Online | 2025-05-14 | 2+1/2 days - 💥2 certificates in one course💥 - Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner 1 & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz, Online ENGLISH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-19 | 🎉3 für 2 Kampagne🎉 3 Tage - interaktiv 🔧praxisnah 🤩inspirierend 👉ein einmaliges Lernerlebnis ✅LeSS refresh option verfügbar | Köln, Германия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified Designing Agile Organizations | 2025-05-19 | 2 days | Brussels, Бельгия | Jurgen De Smet |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-21 | 🤝 Interactive leaning journey 🌍 Illustrated with actual cases 🤔 Thought-provoking discussions | Bucharest, Румыния | Robert Briese |
Certified Scrum Master with Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-05-26 | 2+1/2 days - 💥2 certificates with one course💥 - Certified Scrum Master & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz, Online ENGLISH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Certified Designing Agile Organizations | 2025-05-27 | 💥 Interaktiv 💥 praxisnah 💥 2 Tage mit viel Diskussion und Gruppenarbeiten 💥 | Nürnberg, Германия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-05-28 | 3 days | Gdansk, Польша | Jurgen De Smet |
Certified Designing Agile Organizations | 2025-06-02 | 2 days | Amsterdam, Нидерланды | Cesario Ramos |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-06-04 | 🛠️ Praxisorientierte interaktive Übungen 🎓 Expertenwissen 💡 Praktische Anwendungen | Berlin, Германия | Robert Briese |
Certified Guiding Agile Organizations | 2025-06-09 | 🎉 1. Mal in Deutschland und in deutscher Sprache 🎉 | Nürnberg, Германия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-06-11 | 3 days | Brussels, Бельгия | Jurgen De Smet |
Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner 1 by ScrumAlliance & Certified LeSS Basics Online | 2025-06-11 | 2+1/2 Tage - 💥2 Zertifikate in einem Kurs💥 - Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner 1 & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz, Online DEUTSCH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Systems Thinking in Action | 2025-06-12 | 1 day 💥 fun 💥 great for retros and problem solving💥 bring your own topic 💥 | Nürnberg, Германия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified Scrum Master with Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-06-16 | 5 days | (Online) Tokyo, Япония | Michael James |
LeSS in Action (Large Product Developers) | 2025-06-16 | 5 days | Amstelveen, Нидерланды | Terry Yin |
Certified Scrum Master with Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-06-16 | 2+1/2 Tage - 💥2 Zertifikate in einem Kurs💥 - Certified Scrum Master & Certified LeSS Basics | (Online) Graz, Online DEUTSCH, Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-06-25 | 3 days | Graz, DEUTSCH , Австрия | Wolfgang Richter |
Certified Guiding Agile Organizations Workshop | 2025-07-09 | 3 days | Utrecht, Нидерланды | Cesario Ramos |
Provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-07-21 | 💥 Highly interactive 5-day class 💥 real life examples 💥 inspiring 💥 | (Online) Singapore, Сингапур | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-08-20 | 3 days | Amsterdam, Нидерланды | Bas Vodde |
Certified Scrum Master with Certified LeSS Basics | 2025-08-25 | 5 days | (Online) Tokyo, Япония | Michael James |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-08-26 | 3 days | Minneapolis, Minesota, Соединённые штаты | Bas Vodde |
Certified Designing Agile Organizations | 2025-09-17 | 2 days | Prague, Чехия | Jurgen De Smet |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-09-24 | 🤝 Interactive leaning journey 🌍 Illustrated with actual cases 🤔 Thought-provoking discussions | Berlin, Германия | Robert Briese |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-10-06 | 3 days | Prague, Чехия | Robert Batůšek |
Systems Thinking in Action | 2025-10-08 | 💥 fun 💥 inspiring Learning Experience 💥 bring your own topic 💥 | Amsterdam, Нидерланды | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-10-29 | 3 days | Prague, Чехия | Jurgen De Smet |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-11-05 | 💥 Highly interactive 3-day class 💥 real life examples 💥 inspiring 💥 practical guidance 💥 | Riga, Латвия | Wolfgang Steffens |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-11-12 | 3 days | Amsterdam, Нидерланды | Bas Vodde |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-11-12 | 🛠️ Praxisorientierte interaktive Übungen 🎓 Expertenwissen 💡 Praktische Anwendungen | Hamburg, Германия | Robert Briese |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-11-12 | 3 days | Brussels, Бельгия | Jurgen De Smet |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-12-01 | 3 days | Munich, Германия | Konstantin Ribel |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2025-12-03 | 3 days | Capetown, Южная Африка | Robert Briese |
Certified Designing Agile Organizations | 2025-12-18 | 2 days | Brussels, Бельгия | Jurgen De Smet |
Certified LeSS Practitioner: Principles to Practices | 2026-03-24 | 3 days | San Francisco, California, Соединённые штаты | Bas Vodde |
Prepare for Your LeSS Journey
Prior to embarking on a LeSS course, we recommend familiarizing yourself with basic Scrum concepts. Consider reading the Scrum Primer or the Scrum Guide, and possibly attending a Scrum course from ScrumAlliance or Scrum.org.