Meet-up |
Meeting with LeSS minded people over a Pub Quiz
Bas Vodde
2025-02-05 |
Amsterdam |
Conference |
Agile Austria Conference 2025
Wolfgang Richter
2025-01-30 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
LeSS SG - Collaboration vs Cooperation: A Practitioner's Perspective
Rizki Yogaswara
2025-01-22 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
LeSS NL Meetup: The people side of a LeSS adoption
Emily Hogenboom
2024-12-19 |
Hilversum |
Meet-up |
Christmas Meetup
Markus Tecza
2024-12-17 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Introduction to Systems Thinking
Wolfgang Steffens, Bas Vodde
2024-12-13 |
Amstelveen |
Meet-up |
Human-Centric Software Development in an AI-Augmented Future
Terry Yin
2024-12-11 |
Singapore |
Conference |
Talk LeSS Conference
Tomasz Wykowski
2024-12-03 |
Warsaw |
Presentation |
Introduction to LeSS at Decathlon
Viktor Grgic
2024-11-21 |
(Online) Paris |
Meet-up |
Does Platform Engineering fit with LeSS?
Botond Gal, Markus Tecza
2024-11-14 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
The Viable System Model and Agile
Elisabeth Liberda, Michael Mai
2024-10-24 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Specification By Example
Robert Batůšek
2024-10-23 |
Brno |
Meet-up |
Should you evolve your own scaling framework?
Cesario Ramos
2024-10-14 |
Vienna |
Meet-up |
LeSS from the trenches - Transformation at Y Soft
Mark Uijen de Kleijn, Roy Klein
2024-10-10 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Org Topologies: Elevating Organizations with Human and Artificial Intelligence
Craig Larman, Alexey Krivitsky, Roland Flemm, Michael Mai
2024-10-09 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Rethinking Cognitive Load in Large-Scale Software Development
Viktor Grgic, Bas Vodde
2024-10-01 |
Utrecht |
Meet-up |
Craig Larman in Madrid: ‘Artificial Intelligence and HR"
Craig Larman, Leonardo Tapia
2024-09-24 |
Madrid |
Meet-up |
How to Do a LeSS Adoption with Bas Vodde (In Person Event - join Ignite-Agility via
Bas Vodde
2024-09-11 |
Minneapolis |
Conference |
Regional Scrum Gathering™️ Stockholm 2024 - Integrating intelligence
Evelyn Tian
2024-09-09 |
Stockhom |
Conference |
Regional Scrum Gathering / 敏捷嘉年华大会 2024
Jacky Shen
2024-09-07 |
Beijing |
Meet-up |
Feature Teams: from Dream to Reality
Sofia Pelzl
2024-07-25 |
Munich |
Conference |
Regional Scrum Gathering - Bengaluru - India
Dinesh Sharma
2024-07-12 |
Bengaluru |
Conference |
North American LeSS UnConference 2024
James Carpenter
2024-06-27 |
Milwaukee |
Meet-up |
Systems Thinking Workshop by Salman
Salman Sultan
2024-06-26 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
How to do a LeSS Adoption?
Bas Vodde
2024-06-25 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
3rd Thurs LeSS Reading Group
Lancer Kind
2024-06-20 |
(Online) Seattle |
Meet-up |
3 Ground Rules to Scale Product Teams
Ferzeen Anis
2024-06-13 |
Munich |
Conference |
Regional Scrum Gathering Ghent 2024
Frederik Vannieuwenhuyse
2024-06-06 |
Ghent |
Presentation |
LeSS In Hardware: A real-world case study
James Carpenter
2024-06-04 |
(Online) Cairo |
Meet-up |
Colruyt Group x ACB - Embracing Agile for Growth (FREE for ACB Members only)
Bastiaan van Hamersveld
2024-05-29 |
Halle |
Meet-up |
From Wardley Map to Backlog
Michael Mai
2024-05-16 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
How to do a LeSS adoption by Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde, Stanly Lau
2024-05-16 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
LeSS Coach Camp 2024
Sofia Pelzl, Markus Tecza
2024-05-09 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
LeSS SG Meet-up 04/2024 - Part 1 - The untold stories of how LeSS got started
Terry Yin, Stanly Lau
2024-04-18 |
SG |
Meet-up |
From Wardley Map to Backlog
Michael Mai
2024-04-10 |
Düsseldorf |
Meet-up |
LeSS SG Meet-up 03/2024
Stanly Lau
2024-03-26 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
Introduction to Systems thinking: An interactive workshop
Steve Alexander
2024-03-21 |
Hilversum |
Meet-up |
Visit the LeSS Booth at TRANSFORM 2024 in Berlin
Bastiaan van Hamersveld
2024-03-06 |
Berlin |
Other |
Announcement: LeSS Singapore community
Stanly Lau
2024-02-29 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
LeSS SG Meet-up 02/2024 - Who built Jago
Alex Titlyanov, Stanly Lau
2024-02-22 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
Produktentwicklungs-Simulation mit LeSS
Robert Briese
2024-02-21 |
(Online) Bremen |
Meet-up |
Organisationsdesign - Warum? Was? Wie? (Was wenn ein Framework nicht passt?)
Wolfgang Steffens
2024-02-07 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
It's all about the domain, honey!
Carola Lilienthal, Markus Tecza
2024-01-29 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Event with Tom Siebeneicher - Topic TBD
Gene Gendel
2024-01-12 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Agile Sustainability, w/ Jutta Eckstein (2023 LeSS Conference, Keynote Speaker)
Gene Gendel
2023-12-15 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Simulating Success: Component vs Feature Team Composition
Wouter Horsman
2023-12-14 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Beyond Budgeting - Business agility in Practice, with Bjarte Bogsnes
Gene Gendel
2023-12-07 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Understanding Context using Causal Loop Diagramming
James Carpenter
2023-12-06 |
(Online) Santa Barbara |
Meet-up |
The Balance between Alignment and Autonomy, with Mark Bregenzer
Gene Gendel
2023-11-24 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS - Q&A
Bas Vodde
2023-11-23 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
LINEヤフー Agile「LeSSの夜明け〜Good morning!〜」#2 東京編
Michael James
2023-11-22 |
Chiyoda-ku |
Meet-up |
LeSS Einführung & FAQ: Warum, was und wie?
Wolfgang Steffens
2023-11-16 |
(Online) Köln |
Meet-up |
Job Retention & Job Security: AI, HR, Budgeting. Humans.
Gene Gendel
2023-11-10 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Designing Agile Ecosystems with Org Topologies, by A. Krivitsky & R. Flemm
Gene Gendel
2023-11-03 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Tangible Software Quality- Gojko Adzic (2023 LeSS Conference, Keynote Speaker)
Gene Gendel
2023-10-27 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
LINEヤフー Agile「LeSSの夜明け〜Good morning!〜」#1 大阪編
Michael James
2023-10-27 |
Kita Ward |
Meet-up |
The "Impossible" LeSS Adoption (remote experience), with Błażej Drobniuch
Gene Gendel, Gene Gendel
2023-10-20 |
(Online) New York |
Conference Talk |
Agile Austria Conference 2023 (Hybrid)
Wolfgang Richter
2023-10-12 |
(Online) Graz |
Meet-up |
Experience Sharing: LeSS at the National Police
Bas Vodde
2023-10-10 |
Amsterdam |
Other |
Beyond Budgeting – Business agility in practice
Bjarte Bogsnes, Wolfgang Steffens
2023-09-29 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
Open Space - LeSS Netherlands (in person)
Wouter Horsman
2023-09-21 |
Amsterdam |
Conference Talk |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams
Bas Vodde
2023-09-19 |
Prague |
Meet-up |
Ending the Age of Misery, by Andy Hunt ( Agile Manifesto Co-Creator)
Gene Gendel
2023-09-15 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams
Bas Vodde
2023-09-11 |
Tokyo |
Meet-up |
Shift From Frantic and Stressful to Focused and Strategic PBR, with Chad Beier and Jeff Bubolz
Gene Gendel
2023-09-08 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Meeting with CEO of the LeSS Company - Bastiaan van Hamersveld
Gene Gendel
2023-08-18 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams
Bas Vodde
2023-08-17 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams, with Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde, Gene Gendel
2023-08-11 |
(Online) New York |
Conference Talk |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams
Bas Vodde
2023-07-21 |
Seoul |
Conference |
"Talk LeSS" Conference
Craig Larman, Jurgen De Smet, Krzysztof Niewinski, Tomek Wykowski, Denis Salnikov, Agata Sobek, Magdalena Dzięgielewska, Michał Jakubas, Maciej Słociński, Konrad Grzegory
2023-06-17 |
Warsaw |
Conference Talk |
Social Team Practices that Require Technical Skill
Bas Vodde
2023-06-16 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
AI, GLAD & Organizational Design
Craig Larman
2023-06-13 |
Rotterdam |
Conference Talk |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams
Bas Vodde
2023-06-13 |
Amsterdam |
Drinks (and Food) |
After LeSS Practitioner course drinks
Bas Vodde
2023-06-09 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
LeSS in banks
Viktor Grgic
2023-06-06 |
Utrecht |
Meet-up |
Liberating your Teams from Rigid Scope and Date Agreements
Rowan Bunning
2023-05-23 |
(Online) Sydney |
Other |
LeSS Coach Camp Malaga Spain 2023
Leonardo Tapia
2023-05-18 |
Málaga |
Meet-up |
Experience sharing: LeSS at Wartsila
Roy Klein, John Kop
2023-05-11 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
The impact of AI on Management & Org Design / Meetup with Craig Larman
Craig Larman
2023-05-11 |
Milano / Sesto San Giovanni |
Meet-up |
LeSS Practitioner's Day with Bas Vodde and Alexey Krivitsky
Bas Vodde, Alexey Krivitsky
2023-04-21 |
Münich |
Meet-up |
Meet-up with Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde, Alexey Krivitsky
2023-04-19 |
Münich |
Presentation |
"Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams" by Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde, Frederic Siepmann
2023-04-18 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Organizational Topologies
Alexey Krivitsky, roland flemm
2023-04-12 |
Utrecht |
Meet-up |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams
Bas Vodde
2023-03-30 |
San Francisco |
Meet-up |
Creating Agile Organizations
Cesario Ramos
2023-03-23 |
Nieuwegein |
Drinks (and Food) |
After LeSS Practitioner course drinks
Bas Vodde
2023-03-22 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Wie strukturiere ich große Organisationen für Agilität?
Wolfgang Steffens
2023-03-14 |
Nuremberg |
Meet-up |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams
Bas Vodde
2023-02-16 |
Utrecht |
Meet-up |
Satir's Process for Change
Stanly Lau
2023-02-16 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
How to Start Strong as an Agile Coach - How to have a kick-ass first day
Ben Maynard
2023-01-24 |
(Online) London |
Conference Talk |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams by Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde
2022-11-26 |
Bangkok |
Meet-up |
Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams by Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde
2022-11-23 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
Huge LeSS Huge at BMW Group’s Autonomous Driving – Q&A session (onsite session)
Konstantin Ribel, Michael Mai
2022-11-14 |
Munich |
Conference Talk |
Agile Austria Conference 2022 - Destination Agile: Ist Agilität das Ziel oder der Weg?
Wolfgang Richter
2022-10-20 |
(Online) Graz |
Meet-up |
Release the hidden potential of your organization by Teamwork
Ari Tikka
2022-10-10 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
LeSS meetup with Craig Larman
Craig Larman, Alexey Krivitsky
2022-10-04 |
Kiyv |
Meet-up |
Release the hidden potential of your organization by Teamwork
Ari Tikka
2022-10-04 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
LeSS Huge case study
James Carpenter, Louis Kerswill
2022-09-21 |
(Online) Wellington |
Meet-up |
How to create Teamwork and transform the organization
Ari Tikka
2022-09-20 |
(Online) Helsinki |
Conference Talk |
Improve Transformation results in corporate organisations with Adaptivity that fits
Alexey Krivitsky, roland flemm
2022-09-19 |
Prague |
Meet-up |
Findex Digital LeSS adoption
Rowan Bunning, Sam Peacock, Louis Kerswill
2022-08-24 |
(Online) Wellington |
Other |
Test Event - GG
Gene Gendel
2022-07-31 |
Rockville Centre |
Meet-up |
Adaptivity Fit - agile transformation map for Agile Coaches and Scrum Trainers
Alexey Krivitsky, roland flemm
2022-06-30 |
Munchen |
Meet-up |
Janet Gregory presents: Building quality into your process and your Product
Rickard Jones
2022-06-22 |
(Online) LONDON |
Meet-up |
Wolfgang Kaikaku - When LeSS is Not Enough!
Wolfgang Steffens, Ben Maynard
2022-06-21 |
London |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Frank Olsen
2022-06-08 |
Copenhagen |
Meet-up |
LeSS Coach Camp 2022
Sofia Pelzl
2022-05-26 |
Split |
Meet-up |
Introducing System Thinking To Product Development Organizations, by Lv Yi
Gene Gendel
2022-05-12 |
(Online) Global / International |
Other |
Certified Scrum Product Owner
Alex Gray
2022-04-27 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
🧪🥼 Skalowanie Scruma czy Szkalowanie Scruma? Bring your own problem! 🤗
Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2022-04-13 |
(Online) Wroclaw |
Other |
Certified Scrum Master
Alex Gray
2022-04-06 |
(Online) London |
Other |
Certified Scrum Product Owner
Alex Gray
2022-03-30 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
🧪🥼 Skalowanie Scruma czy Szkalowanie Scruma? Bring your own problem! 🤗
Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2022-03-23 |
(Online) Wroclaw |
Meet-up |
Joe Justice (CST) Presents: Agile at Tesla, what I learned working for Elon Musk
Rickard Jones
2022-03-22 |
(Online) LONDON |
Presentation |
Huge LeSS Huge at BMW Group’s Autonomous Driving – A Q&A session
Konstantin Ribel, Michael Mai, Rowan Bunning
2022-03-16 |
(Online) Sydney |
Other |
Certified Scrum Master
Alex Gray
2022-03-14 |
London Smithfield venue |
Meet-up |
S(z)kalowanie Scrum'a - bring your own problem - Twój LeSSowy helpdesk :)
Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2022-03-09 |
(Online) Wrocław |
Meet-up |
How does a (A)PO team truly collaborate in LeSS (Huge)?
Jurgen De Smet, Ben Maynard
2022-03-01 |
London |
Meet-up |
Q&A with Bas Voddee - LeSS Matters Community
Bas Vodde, Ben Maynard
2022-02-15 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
Gemba Sprints With Ahmad Fahmy for the LeSS Matters Community
Ahmad Fahmy, Ben Maynard
2022-02-08 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
Wnioski z wielu adopcji Skalowania Scrum'a
Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2022-01-12 |
(Online) Warsaw/Wroclaw |
Meet-up |
S(z)kalowanie Scrum'a - bring your own problem - Twój LeSSowy helpdesk :)
Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2021-12-08 |
(Online) Warsaw |
Meet-up |
S(z)kalowanie Scrum'a - bring your own problem :)
Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2021-11-10 |
(Online) Warsaw |
Meet-up |
S(z)kalowanie Scrum'a - bring your own problem :)
Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2021-10-27 |
(Online) Warsaw |
Conference Talk |
Agile Austria Conference 2021
Wolfgang Richter
2021-10-14 |
(Online) Graz |
Meet-up |
Jasper Verdooren: Agile Coaching from the trenches: Team Reboots & Self-Selection with LeSS
Rickard Jones
2021-09-15 |
(Online) LONDON |
Meet-up |
How to apply Systems Thinking to agile delivery
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2021-08-26 |
(Online) Perth |
Meet-up |
Can you transform an organization in a "healthy" way II
Markus Tecza
2021-08-19 |
(Online) Munich |
Meet-up |
How to apply Systems Thinking to agile delivery
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2021-08-17 |
(Online) Melbourne |
Meet-up |
Simplicity Day: Inspect & Adapt
Zuzi Sochova, Tomasz Wykowski, Evgeniy Labunskiy, Natalya Trenina, Artem Bykovets
2021-08-07 |
Kyiv |
Meet-up |
LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) with Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde
2021-07-21 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
Can you transform an organization in a "healthy" way?
Markus Tecza
2021-07-08 |
(Online) Munich |
Presentation |
Introduction to LeSS and LeSS Huge
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2021-07-07 |
Sydney |
Presentation |
LeSS with a twist
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2021-07-02 |
(Online) Melbourne |
Meet-up |
Product Elevation Meetup - How Product Ownership Kills Agile At Scale
Ben Maynard
2021-06-22 |
London |
Meet-up |
Innovation and Contracting? Heaven or Hell?
Michael Mai
2021-05-20 |
(Online) Munich |
Meet-up |
Why LeSS? with Ben Maynard & Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde, Ben Maynard
2021-03-25 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
Nexus vs LeSS - (de)scaling scrum - with Nexus co-author Richard Hundhausen
Richard Hundhausen, Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2021-01-21 |
(Online) warsaw |
Meet-up |
Product Goal в Скраме
ILLIA Pavlichenko
2020-12-17 |
(Online) Moscow |
Other |
LeSS Days 2020 Online Conference
Cesario Ramos
2020-12-03 |
(Online) Amsterdam |
Conference Talk |
LeSS Days
Cesario Ramos, ILLIA Pavlichenko, Bas Vodde, Craig Larman, Gene Gendel
2020-12-03 |
(Online) Amsterdam (ONLINE) |
Meet-up |
Lisa Crispin presents Testing is a Team Sport!
Rickard Jones
2020-12-01 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
Uncovering the Agile Mindset, with Heidi Araya and John Turley
Gene Gendel
2020-11-30 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
2A102: Four Qualities of Artful Making with Tobias Mayer
Srikanth Ramanujam
2020-11-20 |
(Online) Toronto |
Meet-up |
Ignite-Agility Meetup: Structured LeSS Q&A with Craig Larman
Craig Larman
2020-11-12 |
(Online) Minneapolis |
Meet-up |
AgiliX LeSS Recap Days
Cesario Ramos
2020-11-02 |
(Online) Amsterdam |
Presentation |
Team Genius at Scale - An Interview with LeSS Coach & Trainer Ben Maynard - Team Genius Live
Georg Fasching, Ben Maynard
2020-10-22 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
LeSSowe pogawędki (PL)
Jacek Bochenek
2020-09-17 |
(Online) Warsaw |
Meet-up |
Talking To Your Boss About Lean UX
Joshua Seiden, John Coleman
2020-09-16 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
Scrum Event & Lance Dacy (CST) Present: Practical Prioritization Techniques for an Agile Roadmap
Rickard Jones
2020-09-10 |
(Online) LONDON |
Training |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-09-10 |
Dublin |
Presentation |
Scrum with Kanban
John Coleman
2020-09-03 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
ONLINE | AgiliX LeSS Recap Day
Cesario Ramos
2020-08-31 |
(Online) Utrecht |
Meet-up |
DACH-LeSS community: Wie startet man eine agile Transformation, Erfahrungen aus der Praxis
Wolfgang Steffens, Robert Briese, Mark Bregenzer
2020-08-19 |
(Online) Berlin |
Conference Talk |
Agile Lean Europe 2020: What is Kanban the Flow Strategy? (working session)
John Coleman
2020-08-18 |
Riga |
Conference Talk |
Scaling Product Ownership using LeSS
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2020-08-13 |
Sydney |
Meet-up |
James Coplien Presents: Scrum Patterns — Not Just About Sucking a Little Less
James Coplien, Rickard Jones
2020-07-08 |
(Online) LONDON |
Meet-up |
Systematisch Probleme lösen mit Hilfe von "Causal Loop Diagrams" und A3s
Wolfgang Steffens
2020-07-02 |
(Online) Karlsruhe |
Training |
Advanced Agile Product Development – Scrum for Hardware (Master Class)
Stefan Magnusson, Arne Åhlander
2020-07-01 |
Shanghai |
Meet-up |
Round 2 with Diana Larsen - VIRTUAL EVENT
Gene Gendel
2020-06-30 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Mix & Match Communication in Large Scale Lean & Agile Product Development
Gene Gendel
2020-06-30 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Making LeSS work in the public sector (case-study)
Olivier Costa, Tom Jans
2020-06-30 |
(Online) Warszawa |
Meet-up |
Systematisch Probleme lösen mit Hilfe von "Causal Loop Diagrams" und A3s
Wolfgang Steffens
2020-06-30 |
(Online) Nürnberg |
Other |
LeSS Webinar - Krisenfestes Organisationsdesign mit LeSS
Robert Briese, Mark Bregenzer, Wolfgang Steffens
2020-06-26 |
(Online) Hamburg |
Meet-up |
Open Space LeSS Poland Online (in English)
Jacek Bochenek, Sebastian Żebrowski
2020-06-25 |
(Online) Warsaw |
Meet-up |
What is "UNDONE" Department And How To Eradicate It? - VIRTUAL EVENT
Gene Gendel
2020-06-23 |
(Online) New York |
Other |
Professional Systems Thinker
ILLIA Pavlichenko
2020-06-23 |
(Online) Moscow |
Conference Talk |
Scrum Days 2020
ILLIA Pavlichenko
2020-06-20 |
Moscow |
Meet-up |
Exposing Uncomfortable Topics: Errors and Omissions with Scaling - VIRTUAL EVENT
Gene Gendel
2020-06-18 |
(Online) Derby City |
Other |
Scrum with Kanban
John Coleman
2020-06-18 |
(Online) Edinburgh |
Other |
Scrum with Kanban
John Coleman
2020-06-18 |
(Online) Edinburgh |
Meet-up |
Customer Proximity in LeSS, with Viktor Grgic, Certified LeSS Trainer
Viktor Grgic
2020-06-16 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
An interview with Dave Snowden
Dave Snowden, John Coleman
2020-06-16 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
An interview with Srikanth Ramanujam
John Coleman, Srikanth Ramanujam
2020-06-15 |
(Online) London |
Conference Talk |
LeSS Day Europe Conference 2020
Alexey Krivitsky
2020-06-15 |
(Online) Kyiv |
Conference Talk |
LeSS Day Europe - A Case Studies Conference (Online)
Alexey Krivitsky, Jurgen De Smet, Wolfgang Steffens, Robert Briese, Evgeniy Labunskiy
2020-06-15 |
(Online) Kiev |
Presentation |
Scrum with Kanban
John Coleman
2020-06-11 |
(Online) Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Never-ending saga with Estimation. Can LeSS help us debunk this? - VIRTUAL EVENT
Gene Gendel
2020-06-09 |
(Online) New York |
Meet-up |
Huge LeSS-Huge case study - Jacek Bochenek
Jacek Bochenek
2020-06-09 |
(Online) Warszawa |
Other |
Certified ScrumMaster® CSM® Jun Live-Online
Bernie Maloney
2020-06-09 |
(Online) Boston |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS (Large Scale Scrum) - VIRTUAL EVENT
Gene Gendel
2020-06-05 |
(Online) Nigeria |
Meet-up |
Establish Continuous Improvement culture in your organization
Ari Tikka, Wolfgang Steffens, Ran Nyman
2020-06-01 |
Helsinki |
Training |
Certified Scrum Product Owner Training by Scrum Alliance
Jim Wang
2020-05-29 |
Shanghai |
Meet-up |
Systematic Problem Solving with Causal Loop Diagrams and A3's
Wolfgang Steffens, Ran Nyman, Ari Tikka
2020-05-25 |
(Online) Helsinki |
Meet-up |
Overcoming prerequisites for LeSS
Mark Uijen de Kleijn, Georgiy Zhytar
2020-05-25 |
(Online) Warsaw |
Meet-up |
Why LeSS and Where does it Come From
Viktor Grgic
2020-05-23 |
(Online) Hong Kong |
Meet-up |
5 Unique things about LeSS
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2020-05-12 |
(Online) Melbourne |
Other |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-05-11 |
(Online) Rome |
Other |
Smarter Agile Series: Scrum Master Fundamentals
Srikanth Ramanujam
2020-05-09 |
(Online) Toronto |
Meet-up |
Seeing System Dynamics - System Modelling with Causal Loop Diagrams
Wolfgang Steffens
2020-05-04 |
(Online) Karlsruhe |
Meet-up |
Craig Larman: More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2020-04-30 |
Copenhagen |
Meet-up |
Online - An interview with an iconoclast - John Seddon (Vanguard Method fame)
John Seddon, John Coleman
2020-04-30 |
(Online) London |
Meet-up |
Seeing System Dynamics - System Modelling with Causal Loop Diagrams
Wolfgang Steffens
2020-04-29 |
(Online) Nuremberg |
Meet-up |
Lean UX with Joshua Seiden, warm-up act executive agility with John Coleman
Joshua Seiden, John Coleman
2020-04-28 |
(Online) London |
Presentation |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman, Joshua Seiden
2020-04-27 |
(Online) London |
Presentation |
Online/Virtual: Smarter Agile Series: Scrum Master Fundamentals
Srikanth Ramanujam
2020-04-25 |
(Online) Toronto |
Training |
Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) Training by Scrum Alliance
Jim Wang
2020-04-24 |
Beijing |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Dirk Lässig
2020-04-23 |
Düsseldorf |
Other |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-04-23 |
(Online) Milan |
Conference Talk |
What is Kanban the Flow Strategy?
John Coleman
2020-04-21 |
(Online) Dublin |
Presentation |
Online/Virtual: Smarter Agile Series: Scrum Master Fundamentals
Srikanth Ramanujam
2020-04-16 |
(Online) Toronto |
Meet-up |
Seeing System Dynamics - System Modelling with Causal Loop Diagrams
Wolfgang Steffens, Ran Nyman, Ari Tikka
2020-04-16 |
Helsinki |
Training |
PSM-I by Roland Flemm
roland flemm
2020-04-16 |
Eindhoven |
Meet-up |
ONLINE | From a MeSS To LeSS
Cesario Ramos
2020-04-09 |
(Online) Utrecht |
Meet-up |
LeSS Recap Day
Cesario Ramos
2020-04-09 |
Breda |
Meet-up |
LeSS Recap Day | LeSS adoption & Scrum Patterns
Cesario Ramos
2020-04-09 |
Breda |
Meet-up |
Lone Star Agile Coaches Camp 2020
Dhaval Panchal
2020-04-03 |
College Station |
Other |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-04-02 |
(Online) Bucharest |
Meet-up |
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About UX and Agile But Were Afraid To Ask
Joshua Seiden, John Coleman
2020-04-01 |
(Online) London |
Training |
Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) Training by Scrum Alliance
Jim Wang
2020-03-29 |
Shanghai |
Other |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-03-28 |
(Online) Cluj-Napoca |
Meet-up |
Common Misconceptions About Agile Multi-team Software Development, with MJ
Michael James
2020-03-25 |
New York + virtual |
Meet-up |
What is Unique about LeSS ?
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2020-03-25 |
(Online) Toranto |
Training |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-03-23 |
Porto |
Training |
Certified ScrumMaster by ScrumAlliance
Alex Gray
2020-03-23 |
London |
Meet-up |
Assessing a waterfall organization for the benefits to becoming Agile, by Lancer Kind
Lancer Kind, Michael James
2020-03-20 |
Seattle |
Meet-up |
Things you want to know about LeSS
Bas Vodde
2020-03-17 |
Frankfurt |
Conference Talk |
5 steps on the journey to 21st century executive leadership
John Coleman
2020-03-11 |
Dubai |
Training |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-03-09 |
Brno |
Training |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-03-05 |
Dublin |
Meet-up |
Liberating Structure Bucharest
Mario Latreille, John Coleman
2020-03-02 |
Bucharest |
Conference Talk |
Simplicity Day: Agile Magic 2020
roland flemm, Artur Margonari, Angel Diaz-Maroto, Artem Bykovets
2020-02-29 |
Kyiv |
Training |
Scrum with Kanban
John Coleman
2020-02-29 |
Bucharest |
Conference Talk |
What is Kanban the Flow Strategy?
John Coleman
2020-02-24 |
Fort Lauderdale |
Meet-up |
A brief (rather incomplete) overview of LeSS Framework
Nafees Butt
2020-02-24 |
Sydney |
Training |
Scrum with Kanban
John Coleman
2020-02-22 |
Fort Lauderdale |
Training |
Scrum with Lean UX
John Coleman
2020-02-20 |
Fort Lauderdale |
Training |
Agile Change Manager
Jörg Battenfeld, Stephanie Lohß
2020-02-17 |
Darmstadt |
Meet-up |
LeSS Recap Day
Cesario Ramos
2020-02-13 |
Amsterdam |
Training |
PSM-I by Roland Flemm
roland flemm
2020-02-03 |
Utrecht |
Meet-up |
Agile Trainer Retreat 2020
Andreas Schliep
2020-01-24 |
Johannesberg |
Meet-up |
Insights via System Thinking - Practicing and Sharing
Michael Mai
2020-01-23 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS – DeScaling organizations to amplify value delivery
Dhaval Panchal
2020-01-21 |
Austin |
Meet-up |
What is your optimising goal?
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2020-01-21 |
(Online) Adelaide |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Scott Dunn
2019-12-09 |
San Diego |
Meet-up |
“PI-Planning" eats Agility for Breakfast?
Wolfgang Steffens, Alexander Eckert
2019-12-09 |
Nuremberg |
Conference Talk |
LeSS Day Europe
ILLIA Pavlichenko
2019-12-06 |
Moscow |
Meet-up |
Culture follows Structure!
Elisabeth Liberda
2019-12-05 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2019-11-26 |
(Online) Melbourne |
Meet-up |
Outcome based backlogs in a LeSS environment
Jurgen De Smet
2019-11-14 |
Prague |
Meet-up |
LeSS Meetup Open Space w/Bas Vodde
May Allam
2019-11-12 |
San Jose |
Meet-up |
AgiliX LeSS Recap Day
Cesario Ramos
2019-10-31 |
Amersfoort |
Meet-up |
Paris LeSS Meetup welcomes Bas Vodde for a casual talk and supper
Greg Hutchings
2019-10-10 |
Paris |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS by Co-Author Craig Larman
Pierluigi Pugliese, Craig Larman
2019-10-08 |
Milan |
Meet-up |
Outcome based backlogs
Jurgen De Smet
2019-10-08 |
Warsaw |
Conference Talk |
Story of LeSS: More with LeSS
Bas Vodde
2019-10-08 |
Paris |
Other |
Experience sharing: case study from a big insurance company in Germany
Wolfgang Steffens, Ran Nyman
2019-10-02 |
Helsinki |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum: Group mentoring - virtual session #6
Srikanth Ramanujam
2019-09-26 |
Toronto |
Other |
Experience sharing: case study from a big insurance company in Germany
Wolfgang Steffens
2019-09-24 |
Nuremberg |
Meet-up |
Candidate LeSS Trainer Meet-Up after LeSS Conference
Michael Mai
2019-09-14 |
Munich |
Other |
“Bavarian culture” conference pre-event: Hike to the Andechs monastery
Nils Bernert, Edward Dahllöf
2019-09-11 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum - Group mentoring Virtual Session #5
Srikanth Ramanujam
2019-09-05 |
Toronto |
Other |
Webinar: LeSS @ SPFD Case Study - Leveraging technical and process improvements to enable and inspire organisational change
Jurgen De Smet, Tom Jans, Thierry de Pauw
2019-08-29 |
Gent |
Meet-up |
How many Product Backlogs and Product Owners are needed in Multi-team Scrum
Wolfgang Steffens, Ran Nyman
2019-08-27 |
Helsinki |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum - Group mentoring Virtual Session #4
Srikanth Ramanujam
2019-08-26 |
Toronto |
Meet-up |
Learn by Doing - large group facilitation with Liberating Structures as per
John Coleman
2019-08-21 |
Baku |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum - Group mentoring Virtual Session #3
Srikanth Ramanujam
2019-08-14 |
Toronto |
Meet-up |
Culture follows Structure
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2019-08-07 |
Perth |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum - Group mentoring Virtual Session #2
Srikanth Ramanujam
2019-08-01 |
Toronto |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Dhaval Panchal
2019-08-01 |
Houston |
Meet-up |
GetKanban simulation
John Coleman
2019-07-22 |
Baku |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum - Group mentoring Virtual Session #1
Srikanth Ramanujam
2019-07-18 |
Toronto |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Dee Rhoda
2019-07-15 |
Minneapolis |
Meet-up |
Why is Large Scale Scrum needed?
John Coleman
2019-07-11 |
Baku |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Chad Beier
2019-07-10 |
Chicago |
Meet-up |
LeSS – Backlogs und Multilearning mit System Thinking
Don Ahn
2019-06-27 |
Frankfurt am Main |
Conference Talk |
Agile Austria Conference 2019
Wolfgang Richter
2019-06-25 |
Graz |
Training |
professional Scrum Master
roland flemm
2019-06-03 |
utrecht |
Other |
Large Scale Scrum Coaching Camp
Dinesh Sharma
2019-05-31 |
Henley-on-Thames |
Training |
professional Scrum Master
roland flemm
2019-05-31 |
Charkov |
Meet-up |
An evening with Craig on LeSS: Large Scale Scrum
Srikanth Ramanujam
2019-05-28 |
Toronto |
Meet-up |
How organizations go nuts
Jurgen De Smet
2019-05-22 |
Barcelona |
Meet-up |
May 16 | NYC - Meetup w/ Craig Larman - @ MORGAN STANLEY
Gene Gendel
2019-05-16 |
New York |
Meet-up |
Agile Lietuva Meetup Vilnius. Is Scrum right for your organisation?
Jurgen De Smet
2019-04-23 |
Vilnius |
Meet-up |
"To Scrum or Not to Scrum? That's the Question"
Jurgen De Smet
2019-04-18 |
Athens |
Meet-up |
LeSS Recap Day with special guests Craig Larman and Ilia Pavlichenko
Craig Larman, Ilia Pavilichenko, Cesario Ramos
2019-04-16 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Why Product Owner fail and how to avoid that
Markus Tecza
2019-04-11 |
Munich |
Training |
Certified LeSS Practitioner (CLP)
Dinesh Sharma
2019-04-06 |
Bangaluru |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2019-04-04 |
Cologne |
Meet-up |
Scrum Event & AWA: More with LeSS: What do you want to know? with Craig Larman
Craig Larman, John Barratt
2019-03-19 |
London |
Training |
LeSS Meetup
., Kamlesh Ravlani
2019-03-02 |
. |
Meet-up |
Collaboration and Contracting with Partners in Large Agile Development. Influence on Innovation and Product Development.
Michael Mai
2019-02-21 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
LeSS Austria Stammtisch
Christoph Schmied
2019-02-19 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
Montag, 11. Februar 2019 Erfahrungsbericht über LeSS Einführungen mit einer Systems-Modeling Übung
Nils Bernert
2019-02-11 |
Hamburg |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Frank Olsen
2019-02-05 |
Presentation |
Introduction to LeSS – DeScaling organizations to amplify value delivery
Dhaval Panchal
2019-01-17 |
Houston |
Meet-up |
Seeing System Dynamics: System Modelling with Causal Loop Diagrams
Wolfgang Steffens
2019-01-14 |
Nuremberg |
Meet-up |
Dec 10 - Craig Larman, Co-Creator of Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Pizza, and Beer!!
Gene Gendel, Craig Larman
2018-12-10 |
25 Broadway, New York, NY, 10004 |
Meet-up |
Meetup w/ Craig Larman - Co-Creator of Large Scale Scrum!
Gene Gendel
2018-12-10 |
New York |
Meet-up |
Do more with LeSS: Scaling Distributed Delivery
Arijit Sarbagna
2018-11-24 |
Kolkata |
Training |
LeSS Day
Nafees Butt
2018-11-24 |
Sydney |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum Q&A Why, What, and How
Wolfgang Steffens, Ran Nyman
2018-11-14 |
Nuremberg |
Meet-up |
The Story of LeSS and Q&A
Bas Vodde
2018-11-13 |
San Jose |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS by Co-Author Craig Larman
Craig Larman, Pierluigi Pugliese
2018-11-13 |
Milano |
Meet-up |
AgiliX LeSS Recap Day
Cesario Ramos
2018-11-12 |
Zeist |
Meet-up |
Regional LeSS Meet-up; Organized by HOUSE OF AGILE & Powered by LeSS
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2018-11-04 |
Dubai |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Frank Olsen
2018-10-30 |
Meet-up |
LeSS – Scrum und Agilität im Großen
Nils Bernert
2018-10-22 |
Stuttgart |
Presentation |
Using Systems Thinking in Designing Organisation
Ran Nyman
2018-10-22 |
Warsaw |
Meet-up |
LeSS in der Praxis – Organisatorischen Wandel gestalten: Feature Team Adoption Map
Kai-Uwe Rupp, Alexander Marquart
2018-10-15 |
Mannheim |
Meet-up |
Panel: Implementing LeSS in Large-Scale Environments
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy, Josef Scherer, Kamlesh Ravlani
2018-10-13 |
Pune |
Meet-up |
LeSS in der (softwarelosen!) Produktentwicklung
Sandra Baur, Kai-Uwe Rupp
2018-10-11 |
Karlsruhe |
Meet-up |
Regional LeSS Meet-up; Organized by HOUSE OF AGILE & Powered by LeSS
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2018-10-07 |
Dubai |
Training |
Certified Scrum Developer of Scrum Alliance
Jacky Shen
2018-09-16 |
Shanghai |
Conference Talk |
2018 LeSS Conference New York
Terry Yin
2018-09-13 |
New York |
Training |
Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) Course
Agile For Growth , Kamlesh Ravlani
2018-08-24 |
Pune |
Conference Talk |
The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2018-08-24 |
Shanghai |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2018-07-17 |
Toronto |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum
Greg Hutchings
2018-07-17 |
Sofia |
Meet-up |
LeSS Day 16 july
ILLIA Pavlichenko
2018-07-16 |
Moscow |
Meet-up |
LeSS Meetup With special guest Craig Larman
Cesario Ramos
2018-07-10 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Dirk Lässig
2018-06-19 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
LeSS Adoption in der Praxis - Einführung in die Produktdefinition
Kai-Uwe Rupp, Alexander Marquart
2018-06-18 |
Mannheim |
Meet-up |
Regional LeSS Meet-up; Organized by HOUSE OF AGILE & Powered by LeSS
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2018-06-03 |
Dubai |
Conference Talk |
The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2018-06-01 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
Stories and Q&A with Bas Vodde about LeSS, code, and stuff!
Bas Vodde
2018-05-23 |
Sunnyvale |
Conference Talk |
Agile Austria Conference 2018
Wolfgang Richter
2018-05-17 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
Scrum User Group Stuttgart - LeSS - Feature Team Adoption Map
Kai-Uwe Rupp, Alexander Marquart
2018-05-16 |
Stuttgart |
Meet-up |
The Story of LeSS and Q&A
Bas Vodde
2018-05-16 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Chad Beier
2018-05-14 |
Chicago |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS
Craig Larman
2018-05-08 |
Philadelphia-Malvern |
Training |
Certified ScrumMaster by ScrumAlliance
Evelyn Tian
2018-05-08 |
Stockholm |
Meet-up |
Regional LeSS Meet-up; Organized by HOUSE OF AGILE & Powered by LeSS
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2018-05-06 |
Dubai |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Michael James
2018-04-17 |
Bellevue |
Meet-up |
Agile Tuesday - LeSS: Koordination & Integration
Kai-Uwe Rupp, Alexander Marquart
2018-04-17 |
Munich |
Presentation |
Genuine Agility at scale through LeSS Product Ownership
Rowan Bunning
2018-04-16 |
Minneapolis |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman, Teri Bylander-Pinke
2018-04-11 |
Minneapolis |
Meet-up |
SUG Karlsruhe - LeSS und Manager
Kai-Uwe Rupp
2018-04-11 |
Karlsruhe |
Meet-up |
Regional LeSS Meet-up; Organized by HOUSE OF AGILE & Powered by LeSS
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2018-04-01 |
Dubai |
Meet-up |
LeSS Recap Day
Cesario Ramos
2018-03-29 |
Utrecht |
Presentation |
Agile SoCal - Using Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) for Organizational Transformation Success with Brett Palmer & Scott Dunn
Scott Dunn, Brett Palmer
2018-03-21 |
Irvine |
Meet-up |
Agile Meet-Up and Q&A
Michael James
2018-03-20 |
Olympia |
Conference Talk |
The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2018-03-10 |
Dubai |
Meet-up |
Sprint Planning and Capacity vs Velocity
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2018-03-04 |
Dubai |
Meet-up |
Taking a look at Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) with Venky
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2018-02-20 |
Perth |
Meet-up |
Regional LeSS Meet-up; Organized by HOUSE OF AGILE & Powered by LeSS
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2018-02-04 |
Dubai |
Meet-up |
Regional LeSS Meet-up; Organized by HOUSE OF AGILE & Powered by LeSS
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2018-01-07 |
Dubai |
Meet-up |
The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2017-12-12 |
Sunnyvale |
Meet-up |
First Less regional Meet-up
Abdul Rauf Bhatti
2017-12-07 |
Dubai |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS (Craig Larman speaking)
Gene Gendel
2017-12-07 |
New York |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS By Co-Author Craig Larman
Craig Larman, Kiran Thakkar
2017-11-29 |
Malvern |
Meet-up |
LeSS Holland Meetup: Let's play the LeSS Dynamics Game
pascal Dufour
2017-11-23 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Scrum User Group - LeSS - Feature Team Adoption Map
Kai-Uwe Rupp, Alexander Marquart
2017-11-21 |
Stuttgart |
Meet-up |
Die Rolle des Managements in Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Nils Bernert
2017-11-13 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
SUG Bern - More with LeSS?!
Alexander Marquart, Kai-Uwe Rupp
2017-11-13 |
Bern |
Meet-up |
SUG Bern - More with LeSS?!
Kai-Uwe Rupp, Alexander Marquart
2017-11-13 |
Bern |
Meet-up |
LeSS and Managers
Ari Tikka , Ran Nyman
2017-11-06 |
Helsinki |
Meet-up |
London LeSS Conference 2017 - What did I learn ?
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2017-10-31 |
Melbourne |
Meet-up |
(LeSS community Munich) LeSS Adoption Stories with Q&A
Mathias Gorf, Nils Bernert
2017-10-26 |
Munich |
Conference Talk |
LeSS - How to Scale and Stay Agile
Timothy Korson
2017-10-24 |
Dallas |
Meet-up |
Introduction Part I. - Product Definition in LeSS
Kai-Uwe Rupp, Alexander Marquart
2017-10-17 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Working LeSS Brings Great Results (Case Study)
Gene Gendel
2017-10-12 |
new york |
Presentation |
Scrum User Group Karlsruhe - LeSS: Koordination & Integration
Alexander Marquart, Kai-Uwe Rupp
2017-10-11 |
Karlsruhe |
Meet-up |
LeSS Recap Day
Cesario Ramos
2017-10-09 |
Utrecht |
Other |
LeSS Recap day NL
pascal Dufour
2017-10-09 |
Utrecht |
Training |
Intro to LeSS: Leading Real Change - Scaling Agility in your Organization
Malik Graves-Pryor, Ehab El-Badry
2017-10-07 |
New York City |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2017-10-02 |
Victoria |
Presentation |
LeSS in der Praxis - Organisatorischen Wandel gestalten: Feature Team Adoption Map (30. CONNECT.IT ScrumTisch)
Alexander Marquart, Kai-Uwe Rupp
2017-09-25 |
Heilbronn |
Training |
LeSS Introduction Workshop
David Bales , Mike Li
2017-09-25 |
Sydney |
Conference Talk |
LeSS Conference London
Terry Yin
2017-09-13 |
London |
Meet-up |
LeSS Austria Stammtisch
Christoph Schmied
2017-07-18 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
LeSS Practices with Craig Larman
Craig Larman, Johan Vink
2017-07-13 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Experiences of introducing LeSS at SAP
Robert Briese, Anton Skornyakov
2017-07-12 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum: More with LeSS
Ram Srinivasan
2017-07-06 |
Boston |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS - Craig Larman
Craig Larman
2017-07-06 |
London |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS by Co-Author Craig Larman
Craig Larman, Pierluigi Pugliese
2017-06-28 |
Milan |
Conference Talk |
Agile Austria Conference 2017
Wolfgang Richter
2017-06-28 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
Component and Feature teams.. a fun way to get a taste of these concepts
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2017-06-28 |
Melbourne |
Meet-up |
System Thinking in Action with Mark Bregenzer
Mathias Gorf, Nils Bernert, Mathias Gorf
2017-06-19 |
Munich |
Training |
Weekend Certified Scrum Master workshop
Ram Srinivasan
2017-06-17 |
Toronto |
Conference Talk |
Descaling organizations, not scaling agile frameworks
Viktor Grgic
2017-06-17 |
Hong Kong |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS By Co-Author Craig Larman
Craig Larman
2017-06-14 |
Malvern |
Meet-up |
Less organization more with LeSS
ari.tikka, Ran Nyman
2017-06-12 |
Helsinki |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2017-06-01 |
Los Angeles (Tustin) |
Meet-up |
Speaking Managerish – how to hold discussion with managers about Agile
Tomasz Wykowski, Anton Skornyakov
2017-05-31 |
Berlin |
Presentation |
ScrumUserGroup Karlsruhe - LeSS - Feature Team Adoption Map
Alexander Marquart, Kai-Uwe Rupp
2017-05-30 |
Karlsruhe |
Presentation |
LeSS Adoption in der Praxis (@ SUG Stuttgart)
Alexander Marquart, Kai-Uwe Rupp
2017-05-23 |
Stuttgart |
Meet-up |
LeSS Austria Stammtisch
Christoph Schmied
2017-05-23 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
Scaling Scrum
Jürgen Hoffmann
2017-05-16 |
Freiburg |
Meet-up |
System Thinking: Draw your problem
Massimo Sarti
2017-05-05 |
Roma |
Meet-up |
Self Organisation and Scaling Agile with LeSS
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2017-04-26 |
Melbourne |
Meet-up |
LeSS Transition at Merkur Versicherung
Timon Fiddike
2017-04-19 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
Five relationships of a Product Owner
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2017-03-29 |
Sydney |
Meet-up |
5 Relationships of a PO
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2017-03-29 |
Syd |
Meet-up |
Why are there so many attempts to 'modify' LeSS?
Gene Gendel
2017-03-23 |
new york |
Meet-up |
LeSS Austria Stammtisch
Wolfgang Richter
2017-03-21 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2017-03-14 |
Sunnyvale |
Meet-up |
LeSS Adoption & Case Studies
Johan Vink
2017-03-14 |
Amersfoort |
Meet-up |
Transforming large scale organisations
Anton Skornyakov
2017-03-08 |
Berlin |
Conference Talk |
The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2017-03-08 |
Bangalore |
Meet-up |
10 Principles of LeSS
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2017-03-08 |
Melbourne |
Meet-up |
Seeing System Dynamics: System Modelling with Craig Larman
Craig Larman
2017-03-01 |
Munich |
Presentation |
LeSS Adoption in der Praxis - Schritt 1: Produktdefinition (25. CONNECT.IT SCRUMTISCH)
Kai-Uwe Rupp, Alexander Marquart
2017-02-27 |
Obersulm |
Meet-up |
5 key relationships of a Product Owner
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2017-02-08 |
Melbourne |
Meet-up |
More about LeSS
Ari Tikka, Ran Nyman
2017-02-06 |
Helsinki |
Presentation |
Webinar - Case Study: Large-Scale Scrum Adoption at Base Company
Jurgen De Smet
2017-01-27 |
(Online) Brussels |
Meet-up |
LeSS Product Definition
Mark Bregenzer
2017-01-25 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
LeSS Austria Stammtisch
Christoph Schmied
2017-01-24 |
Graz |
Presentation |
More with Less - Introduction Part I. - Product Definition in LeSS
Alexander Marquart, Kai-Uwe Rupp
2017-01-18 |
Karlsruhe |
Other |
Webinar: Re-Thinking the Organization
Jurgen De Smet
2016-12-23 |
(Online) Brussels |
Meet-up |
LeSS coordination & integration
Johan Vink
2016-12-21 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-12-20 |
Meet-up |
End-of-Year LeSS MeetUp, with Craig Larman
Craig Larman
2016-12-19 |
new york |
Meet-up |
How many? Product Backlogs / Product Owners
Anton Skornyakov
2016-12-14 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
LeSS pour les nuls
Greg Hutchings
2016-12-13 |
Paris |
Meet-up |
Agile Field Trip
David Hayes
2016-12-13 |
Brisbane |
Meet-up |
LeSS Meetup Helsinki
Ari Tikka, Ran Nyman
2016-12-07 |
Helsinki |
Meet-up |
First LeSS Austria Meetup in Graz
Christoph Schmied
2016-12-06 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS
Bas Vodde
2016-12-01 |
Tokyo |
Meet-up |
Foundational Ideas behind LeSS
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2016-11-28 |
Sydney |
Meet-up |
Introduction to the Large Scale Scrum Framework
Anton Skornyakov, Timon Fiddike
2016-11-23 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS with Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde
2016-11-16 |
Melbourne |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-11-15 |
Zurich |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-11-15 |
Zurich |
Conference Talk |
Design your organisation for perfect
Cesario Ramos
2016-11-15 |
Bunnik |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-11-09 |
Johannesburg |
Meet-up |
Co-creation de la groupe LeSS Paris
Greg Hutchings
2016-11-08 |
Paris |
Training |
Certified ScrumMaster by Scrum Alliance
Arne Åhlander
2016-11-04 |
Shanghai |
Meet-up |
LeSS Talks: Mike Beedle (Co-Signer of Agile Manifesto) joins us
Gene Gendel
2016-11-03 |
new york |
Conference Talk |
Skala upp och skala bort: Agil skalning med LeSS
Inga-Lill Holmqvist
2016-10-20 |
Linköping |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS:A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-10-13 |
Munich |
Meet-up |
Systems Thinking – Systemdynamik in Produktentwicklungsorganisationen
Anton Skornyakov
2016-10-12 |
Berlin |
Conference Talk |
The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2016-10-06 |
Singapore |
Conference Talk |
Agile Experts ExChange
Wolfgang Richter
2016-09-29 |
Graz |
Meet-up |
LeSS Deep Dive and Q&A with Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde
2016-09-15 |
San Francisco |
Conference Talk |
LeSS Conference: Experience and Experiments
Bas Vodde
2016-08-30 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
LeSS Talks: Most Common mistakes in Product Ownership
Gene Gendel
2016-08-04 |
new york |
Conference Talk |
LeSS - How to Scale and Stay Agile
Timothy Korson
2016-07-29 |
Cincinnati |
Presentation |
How to Scale and Stay Agile
Timothy Korson
2016-07-12 |
Atlanta |
Meet-up |
Feature Teams in LeSS (Large Scale Scrum)
Cesario Ramos
2016-07-11 |
Zurich |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS (Large-Scrum Scrum)
Naveen Kumar Singh
2016-06-25 |
Hyderabad |
Presentation |
Scaling Agile: Do More with LeSS
Stijn Decneut & Bart Oste
2016-06-15 |
Antwerp |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-06-02 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
Introduction to Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Stijn Decneut
2016-05-26 |
Antwerp |
Conference Talk |
Scale Your Product NOT your Scrum
Cesario Ramos
2016-05-11 |
London |
Training |
Scrum im Großen - Agiles Organisationsdesign nach LeSS
Karl Kollischan
2016-05-10 |
Erlangen |
Conference Talk |
Scrum Gathering: The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2016-04-29 |
Melbourne |
Presentation |
Introduction to LeSS
Viktor Grgic
2016-04-20 |
Hong Kong |
Presentation |
Skala agilt – hur hanterar LeSS skalningen? (Scaling Agile with LeSS)
Inga-Lill Holmqvist
2016-04-19 |
Stockholm |
Meet-up |
LeSS: Discovery of System Relationships with Causal Loop Diagrams
gene gendel
2016-04-12 |
new york |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-03-22 |
Chicago |
Training |
Large-Scale Scrum Introduction
Ran Nyman
2016-03-21 |
Bengaluru |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-03-16 |
Philadelphia-Malvern |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2016-03-16 |
Hamburg |
Meet-up |
An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Mark Bregenzer
2016-03-09 |
München |
Meet-up |
Large Scale Scrum Case Study presentation and discussion
Greg Hutchings
2016-03-07 |
Bucharest |
Presentation |
Introduction to LeSS
Elad Sofer
2016-03-06 |
Herzelia |
Meet-up |
Alpharetta Agile User Group - More with LeSS
Jurgen De Smet
2016-03-01 |
Alpharetta |
Training |
LeSS Framework for Large Scale Product Development Training
Kamlesh Ravlani
2016-02-06 |
Pune |
Presentation |
Scaling Scrum - Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Tomasz Wykowski
2016-02-03 |
Katowice |
Meet-up |
An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) and Q&A
Bas Vodde
2016-02-02 |
San Francisco |
Training |
Certified LeSS Practitioner Course in NYC (Feb 1 - Feb 3)
Karim Harbott
2016-02-01 |
New York |
Training |
Certified LeSS Practitioner Course
Ahmad Fahmy
2016-01-25 |
London |
Meet-up |
Lean Thinking in LeSS
Craig Larman
2016-01-20 |
Santa Barbara |
Presentation |
Large-Scale Scrum - 10 years of Scaling Agility
Ran Nyman
2016-01-19 |
Tallinn |
Conference Talk |
Scrum Gathering: The Story of LeSS
Bas Vodde
2016-01-18 |
Tokyo |
Meet-up |
An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) and Q&A
Bas Vodde
2015-12-16 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2015-12-08 |
Phoenix |
Conference Talk |
Scaling your software business
Jurgen De Smet
2015-12-03 |
Kortrijk |
Conference Talk |
More with less @ XP Days Benelux
Jurgen De Smet
2015-12-03 |
Mechelen |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-12-01 |
Sydney |
Other |
Agile Tour Singapore - Open Space - LeSS Q&A
Bas Vodde
2015-11-27 |
Singapore |
Conference Talk |
An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-11-27 |
Singapore |
Conference Talk |
Large Scale Scrum
Ram Srinivasan
2015-11-23 |
Gatineau |
Conference Talk |
Open Space: LeSS Q&A
Bas Vodde
2015-11-18 |
Prague |
Conference Talk |
Scrum Gathering: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-11-17 |
Prague |
Meet-up |
LeSS - Large-Scale Scrum
Craig Larman
2015-11-11 |
London |
Meet-up |
Playscrum Meet 2015 - Beyond Scrum
Naveen Kumar Singh
2015-11-07 |
Pune |
Presentation |
ISS Seminar: LeSS of a Story - An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-11-04 |
Singapore |
Conference Talk |
More with less @ Agile Tour Brussels
Jurgen De Smet
2015-11-02 |
Woluwe-Saint-Lambert |
Conference Talk |
More with less @
Jurgen De Smet
2015-10-28 |
Antwerpen |
Conference Talk |
Efficiency is killing productivity @
Jurgen De Smet
2015-10-28 |
Antwerpen |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-10-27 |
Milton Keynes |
Conference Talk |
Gardening in Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) - Keynote
Viktor Grgic
2015-10-14 |
Arnhem |
Conference Talk |
More with LeSS: Scaling, Change & the Role of Management
Craig Larman
2015-10-06 |
Berlin |
Conference Talk |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with Large-Scale Scrum
Craig Larman
2015-10-06 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2015-09-30 |
Denver |
Meet-up |
Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) - Scrum im Großen und Ganzen
Markus Gärtner
2015-09-24 |
Hamburg |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with Large-Scale Scrum
Craig Larman
2015-09-17 |
New York |
Training |
Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) - Prinzipien und Praktiken agiler Produktentwicklung
Josef Scherer
2015-09-17 |
Stuttgart |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-09-16 |
London |
Conference Talk |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-09-15 |
Prague |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-09-02 |
Seoul |
Training |
Organizational Design: Lean, Agile, Scrum, LeSS, & Scaling
Craig Larman
2015-08-27 |
New York |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with Large-Scale Scrum
Craig Larman
2015-08-25 |
Malvern |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-08-25 |
Bangkok |
Meet-up |
Debugging Scaling Problems with LeSS
Rowan Bunning
2015-08-19 |
Melbourne |
Meet-up |
AgiliX Collaboration Event - Large Scale Scrum
Cesario Ramos
2015-08-18 |
Amersfoort |
Meet-up |
Large-Scale Scrum Introduction
Ran Nyman
2015-08-15 |
Pune |
Meet-up |
Large-Scale Scrum(LeSS) in Play Scrum Pune
Ran Nyman
2015-08-15 |
Pune |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-08-12 |
Washington DC |
Meet-up |
Scrum Meetup Berlin - Scaling Scrum
Anton Skornyakov
2015-08-12 |
Berlin |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-08-11 |
Washington DC |
Conference Talk |
Introduction to LeSS at Agile 2015
Bas Vodde
2015-08-05 |
Washington DC |
Other |
Agile 2015 - Stalwart session
Bas Vodde,Craig Larman
2015-08-04 |
Washington DC |
Conference Talk |
Scaling Agile Panel talk, with Craig Larman and other Scaling Experts
Craig Larman
2015-08-03 |
Herndon |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with LeSS
Craig Larman
2015-07-27 |
Denver |
Meet-up |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-07-22 |
Hong Kong |
Conference Talk |
PlayScrum: Scale your deliverable not the game
Naveen Kumar Singh
2015-07-10 |
Chennai |
Conference Talk |
Scaling Scrum @ Thales - Case Study with Sandra Roijakkers
Cesario Ramos
2015-07-02 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with Large-Scale Scrum
Craig Larman
2015-06-29 |
Miami |
Conference Talk |
Erfolgreich, agil Arbeiten im Strudel des Wasserfalls - More with LeSS
Mark Bregenzer
2015-06-29 |
Munich |
Presentation |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-06-24 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS (at Open Space Meet-up)
Bas Vodde
2015-06-17 |
Cologne |
Meet-up |
More with LeSS: A Decade of Descaling with Large-Scale Scrum
Craig Larman
2015-06-16 |
Dallas |
Presentation |
LeSS – 10 vuotta ketteryyden skaalausta
Ari Tikka ja Ran Nyman
2015-06-15 |
Helsinki |
Meet-up |
LeSS Framework
Timothy Korson
2015-06-08 |
Reston |
Conference Talk |
More with LeSS: An introduction to Large-Scale Scrum
Bas Vodde
2015-06-04 |
Amsterdam |
Meet-up |
Self-designing teams in large agile projects
Mark Bregenzer
2015-05-29 |
Berlin |
Conference Talk |
More with LeSS at Agile digitisation of Governent 2015
Bas Vodde
2015-05-29 |
Oslo |
Conference Talk |
Scaling Scrum @ Thales - Case Study
Cesario Ramos
2015-05-22 |
Porto |
Presentation |
LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bas Vodde
2015-05-21 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
LeSS Scaling with Craig Larman
Craig Larman
2015-05-20 |
Santa Barbara |
Meet-up |
More with Less - introduction to LeSS
Elad Sofer
2015-05-19 |
Raanana |
Presentation |
Debugging Scaling Problems with LeSS
Rowan Bunning
2015-05-19 |
Sydney |
Conference Talk |
More with LeSS: Scaling, Change & the Role of Management
Craig Larman
2015-05-13 |
Chicago |
Training |
Scrum Alliance Added Qualification: Scaling Scrum Fundamentals with LeSS
Timothy Korson
2015-05-13 |
Altanta |
Presentation |
More Agile and LeSS dysfunction in Large Programs and Product Development
Rowan Bunning
2015-05-07 |
Sydney |
Presentation |
More with LeSS: An introduction to Large-Scale Scrum
Bas Vodde
2015-05-05 |
Singapore |
Conference Talk |
Less LeSS
Timothy Korson
2015-04-30 |
Louisville |
Meet-up |
LeSS Thurs
Value Driven Software
2015-04-30 |
London |
Meet-up |
Self-designing teams in the context of Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Mark Bregenzer, Nils Bernert
2015-04-27 |
Munich |
Presentation |
Introduction to Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Bart Oste
2015-04-20 |
Kontich |
Presentation |
Growing More Agile with LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum)
Rowan Bunning
2015-04-20 |
Sydney |
Conference Talk |
LeSS of a story
Bas Vodde
2015-04-17 |
Shanghai |
Presentation |
Einführung in Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Jens Griesing
2015-04-15 |
Frankfurt am Main |
Meet-up |
Scrum User Group Karlsruhe - Large Scale Scrum
Alexander Marquart
2015-03-25 |
Karlsruhe |
Presentation |
Agile London - Lightning talk on LeSS
Karim Harbott
2015-03-24 |
London |
Presentation |
Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy
2015-03-16 |
Melbourne |
Training |
Certified LeSS Practitioner - Principles to Practices
Craig Larman
2015-03-11 |
Paris |
Meet-up |
Soirée Scrum à l'échelle (LeSS) avec Craig Larman
Craig Larman
2015-03-09 |
Paris |
Drinks (and Food) |
LeSS Drinks (meet-up after the course)
Bas Vodde
2015-03-05 |
Singapore |
Meet-up |
Introduction to LeSS with Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde
2015-02-25 |
Melbourne |
Meet-up |
Merging Kanplexity™ with LeSS
John Coleman, Ben Maynard
0002-11-21 |
(Online) London |